About the Journal


Souphanouvong University Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development (SUJMRD) is the official journal of Souphanouvong University. It is a peer-reviewed international journal published be the SOUPHANOUVONG JOURNAL: Multi-disciplinary Journal of Souphanouvong University since 2015. It is a continued publication of Souphanouvong University (SU).

The current journal title was adopted in 2021 and biannual online publications. The SUJMRD online publication has been recorded permanently in the ISSN register as ISSN 2521-0653.

Manuscripts should be written in a clear, concise, and direct style so that they are intelligible to the professional reader who is not a specialist in the particular field. Anyone who would like to submit a manuscript is advised to carefully read the instruction for author section of this journal. The only manuscripts acceptable are original research articles (regular papers) that have not been previously published elsewhere, except in a preliminary form (abstract, thesis, poster, oral presentation, etc…).

2. Aims and Scope

The SUJMRD aims to publish the original research results of the various disciplines of knowledge such as Science and Technologies, Innovations, Educations, Humanities and Social Sciences.

3. Publication and Peer Review Processes

a) The submitted manuscripts for publication in the SUJMRD is judged by the members of the editorial board. The editor-in-chief has full responsibility for the papers submitted, which are evaluated in the order received.

b) At the initial stage, the editor-in-chief may ask co-editor-in-chief to evaluate submitted manuscripts for suitability for further review. A reviewer may not be from the same institution as the author. Reviewers should examine the paper and return it with their report to the editor-in-chief as soon as possible, usually within 30 days.

c) The identity and the report of the reviewers are made known to the editor-in-chief, but only the anonymous report is routinely sent to the author. The anonymity of the reviewers is preserved unless it is desired otherwise by all parties involved.

d) Each manuscript that is deemed suitable will be evaluated by at least two members of the editorial board or other scientifically qualified reviewers and/or blind reviewers.

e) The editor-in-chief handles all correspondence with the author and makes the final decision as to whether the paper is recommended for acceptance or rejection, or needs to be returned to the author for revision.

f) Papers needing revision will be returned to the corresponding author, and the author must return the revised manuscript to the editor-in-chief within 30 days; otherwise, the author will be notified that the paper has been withdrawn. The editor-in-chief may send the revised manuscript to co-editor-in-chief to examine whether the manuscript has been revised as suggested by the reviewers.

g) The reviewer recommends acceptance, acceptance after revision, resubmission after revision, or rejection. If both reviewers recommend acceptance or rejection, the decision stands. When their opinions differ, then the editor-in-chief may ask a third reviewer or co-editor-in-chief to decide on the acceptance or rejection of that paper.

h) If a paper is not suitable for publication, the corresponding author will be notified with a statement of reasons for rejection. The author may appeal if s/he believes an erroneous or unfair judgment has been made. A letter to the editor-in-chief presenting reasons why the decision should be reconsidered will be given due consideration.

i) Most papers that eventually are published are first returned for revision. Common reasons for requesting revision are failure to follow style and form, lack of clarity or brevity, questions of fact or theory, poor organization of tabular material, and poor English.

4. Editorial independence

Editorial independence should be respected. Journal owners (both learned societies and publishers) should not interfere with editorial decisions. The relationship between the editor and the journal owner and publisher should be set out in a formal contract and an appeal mechanism for disputes should be established.

5. Plagiarism and copyright

Journal editors and readers have a right to expect that submitted work is the author's own, that it has not been plagiarized (i.e. taken from other authors without permission, if permission is required) and that copyright has not been breached (for instance, figures or tables are reproduced).

6. Protecting intellectual property

Journal owners and authors have a right to protect their intellectual property.

7. Peer reviewer conduct and intellectual property

Authors are entitled to expect that peer reviewers or other individuals privy to the work an author submits to a journal will not steal their research ideas or plagiarize their work.

8. Subscription information

There is no submission fee. For information on article-processing charge for papers accepted for publication, see the official approval of SU Council (refer. No. 15/SU, date 9th Jan 2024) on the publication fee in the following table:


Item SU Researcher Laotian Researcher International Researcher
Publication fee 400,000 LAK/article 500,000 LAK(non-SU) 1,000,000 LAK/50$/article

Only the accepted article will be requested to proceed the fee prior an official approval of publication


Managing Editor:

Financial management or publication fee payable to Managing Editor of SUJMRD


LAK Account Number : 050-12-00-00100617-001


USD Account Number : 056-12-01-00100617001



Branch Name : Luang Prabang Branch

Phu Vao Road, Luang Prabang, Laos

Tel: (856-71) 252814

Fax: (856-71) 260598

Email: bcellpb@bcel.com.la

P.O.BOX: 534



9. Editorial Office

Office of Research and Academic Services, Souphanouvong University

Ban Done Mai, 13th North Road, Luang Prabang Province, LAO PDR

Tel: +856-20-22957893

E-mail : sujournal@su.edu.la